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Old 05-28-2007   #83
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Gastonia, NC
Posts: 15
Whats up SS, I don't know if you remember me , but it's Danglin formally of , and retired from CTU, I have been out of the Socom loop for awhile now and was thinking of getting back in, but now I that I see SS is moving to a new system and game I may just make the jump to 360 . I already have a PS3 and was thinking of buying a 360( just because of the lack of good games on the PS3). I just wanted to let you guys know that you where always a class act on Socom and I am sure that the 360 community is going to be 100% better with you guys around. Hope I can join a game or 100 with you guys on LIVE when I get my 360.
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