Thread: GT 4 Update...
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Old 03-04-2005   #11
Sea SnipersŪ Owner/Leader
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i have turned to auto save off, but i wish it had a prompt.

and ok, the races with the shit where you get 5 sec penatlies for grazing shit? COME ON! i bump a car, 5 secs, i graze a wall 5 secs , MY CAR IS 50% faster than yours bitch! Look, if youre going to penalize me for hitting the other guys car, why doesnt HE get penalized for hitting me?! That fucker rammed into me so many times, and it gave ME the penalty!

There are some races i will not bother with. I will have my fun with the game , then if i want to see the rest of the unlockable stuff, ill gameshark it or something. this level of frustration is just that, frustration, not fun. Plus, why must i pay thousands of dollars to hop up a piece of shit Suzuki Cappucino to win 3 races?! What a waste of money and time.

I'm gonna ask you questions, and every time you don't give me answers, I'm gonna cut something off. And I promise you...
they will be things you will miss!
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