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Old 01-21-2011   #14
Brew Master
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Wally, I've read the same article. I don't think it's true however. It started off on one page as a perhaps and has grown into; it will be. But sometimes, change is good for game perhaps? Different ideas etc.

Originally Posted by DatGuy View Post
meh, unless the completely overhaul the multiplayer, Im done with COD.

same boring casual shooter crap year after year
And for DG: Perhaps it's the platform you're playing it on? The PS3 is getting ready to yank COD off of it.


Legal Trouble for PS3 Call of Duty: Black Ops?
Service Rep: We can shut down CoD if we choose

HOUSTON - Players have made their voices heard on plenty of issues concerning Call of Duty: Black Ops for the PlayStation 3, but one exchange between a player and a customer service representative has lit a firestorm.

We reported the concerns of Black Ops players last year , shortly following its November release. Many said their consoles were freezing up during online-play sessions over the PlayStation Network. Players took to Activision's online forums to get a response from the publisher and the game's developer, Treyarch.

Service Rep Says Activision Can Shut Down Black Ops if Need Be

Online journalist and blogger Jason Koblovsky posted a written exchange between himself and a customer service representative. After forwarding his concerns regarding the game, the rep. stated he had no solutions to his problems and then said Activision reserves the right to take Black Ops off the PlayStation Network if it so chooses - a solution that would not be so off-base given the numerous reports of technical issues surrounding the game.

The representative offered the following alternatives, according to the written exchange:

-- Send the game back to Activision and receive a repackaged game to deliver to a retailer
-- Swap the game for an identical version on another gaming platform (XBOX 360, PC)
-- Swap the game for another Activision title of equal or lesser value

Koblovsky, in response, said if Activision does pull the service, the game publisher can expect the following to occur:

-- He would choose option 1 and never purchase an Activision title in the future
-- Legal repercussions from the PlayStation Network
-- He would forward the exchange to several Canadian consumer advocates.

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