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Old 12-19-2008   #14
Sea SnipersŪ Owner/Leader
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Confirmed this isnt happening.

"By 402

Let me be the first to say that I'm more bummed than anyone that we've yet to see these playlists, and am personally sorry that we haven't made it happen as of yet. Believe me when I say that I was the one pushing the hardest to see these be released, but regretfully it just didn't happen. We were soooo close, before we ran into some serious bugs in QA and prevented the immediate release without a patch, a patch that looked like we would have been able to do, but ultimately would have took a major hit on our development cycle.

Again, personally, I apologize that all that hype and work didn't result in a release. I got wrapped up in my excitement of having some new playlists and regretfully should have held off until the QA report came back. The playlists aren't dead, but of course its looking less and less likely that they'll make it out with our development schedule just getting more hectic with each day. Which is why we haven't "officially" said they're dead or the plug is pulled, because it's not. We're still open to it if our schedule permits, but as I said, my hopes for it are dashed as each day goes by""

"Regretfully the playlists never came to fruition, however that's hardly a accurate depiction of the validity of community support. Community support goes so much deeper than just "playlist updates". Good community support goes unnoticed, and unpraised, because it is done in a way to ensure that the shipped product includes the requests, features, and demands of the community out of box.

Community Support via the COD2 community helped shape and mold COD4 into the game it is, and community support via COD4 will help shape future Infinity Ward titles to ensure we're always improving and including community wants and needs into future games.

Every level designer / texture artist / enviornmental artist / etc. working on a new map for a previous game is one less working on a map for a future game. Again going back to the, do you attempt to include as much as possible out of box for the people spending $60 and that goes to everyone, or do you focus on doing endless DLC for previous game, shipping with only a few maps, and beefing up MP via DLC after launch for a fee (which only a % of community people can enjoy due to internet connection / Xbox Live gold requirement). Regretfully that's the harsh reality and shitty part of game development.

Since COD4 however, we've been focusing on expanding our team here at Infinity Ward and looking at our development cycle to see how it can be optimized and improved to make strides in how we can have the best of both worlds. A polished / stacked game at launch and a dedicated team for DLC post-launch while everyone else looks towards the future."

I'm gonna ask you questions, and every time you don't give me answers, I'm gonna cut something off. And I promise you...
they will be things you will miss!
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