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[SS]Rator 10-22-2012 03:02 PM

The Sea SnipersŪ 10th Anniversary / Historical Item 22: SS Tips
The Sea SnipersŪ 10th Anniversary
Historical Item 22: SS Tips

The Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare strategy guide was the first to feature our "SS Tips". These were just little nuggets of basic and sometimes advanced intel about gameplay or maps, weapons, etc. They would be randomly placed throughout the guide with our logo at the top of each tip.

They have appeared in COD4, CODW@W, COD MW2, and Halo Reach. We had delivered them for all projects, however sometimes there is just not enough room and they get cut. The SS Tips are a great way for us to pull out some of the important basics and some advanced techniques to readers without creating a whole paragraph or section to go on about it. Sometimes you just need to tell someone, "hey, don't reload out in the open" and that's it.

While lots of the tips we compile can be used for almost all of the COD games, we write different tips for each game and make them specific to the title we're working on. Not all COD games have the same elements, and sometimes different titles put a different emphasis on various elements that continue on from title to title.

We were very appreciative that Brady Games approved our request for this addition to their titles. Plus getting our logo in the guides was pretty awesome too! I'm not sure how many tips we've gotten published over these titles, but it's a bunch, and we hope they have shed some light on some of the things players might overlook or just never think about. That was the goal in creating these in the first place. Just a reminder to players, like "hey buddy, you got a booger" it's like "hey buddy, don't reload out in the open".

We know most of you multiplayer experts don't even read these 'cause you think you already know everything you need to know and you own online all the time and always go 40-12 lol, but we've been doing this a long time and we can guarantee you'll find something you didn't think of in the guides we've worked on. That's why we try to publish a variety of tips in the guides, to give something to everyone.

And our recruit sig of the day is...

Betty bounced.

DatGuy 10-22-2012 03:43 PM

I got 400-1 every match, why would I need your tips...noob

400 AND 1 BITCH!

[SS]Rator 10-22-2012 04:10 PM

Wait wait, i just wanna hear DG talk, everyone be quiet!

DatGuy 10-22-2012 05:32 PM

what did Rator say? I can't hear him from the top of every leaderboard for every game ever

[SS]Rator 10-23-2012 01:58 PM

'cause of the guides we wrote, OH!

DatGuy 10-23-2012 02:06 PM

shit, I forgot the period....well played sir

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