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murderator 08-06-2009 01:16 PM

Rainbow Six Vegas

I made a similar thread on the RMD boards, but it was actually about Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the PS3..

However, my question for the Sea Snipers is do you guys still play Rainbow Six Vegas 1 for the XBOX 360? I just sold my 360 to buy my son a PS3 so we can play together -- However, next check I plan on grabbing yet another 360.

I really enjoy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the PS3 -- and I made a thread about it on the RMD forums, and DaTGuY hopped in there and said RSV2 sucks compared to 1 (on the XBOX360) so if you guys still play 1 I'd be more inclined to pick up a copy so I can see what all the fuss is about..

If I'm too late.. darn! I'm sure Vegas 2 is better on the XBOX360 solely for the community of people who actually play. I'm not going to lie, I've been a Playstation guy for as long as I can remember -- but once I seen the features of LIVE I knew XBOX had online on lock and PS3 is still trying to catch up.. But I still love my PS3 don't get me wrong :D -- especially for playing w/ my clan & other ally clans such as RMD, and I cannot wait for MAG :D

I actually "met" DaT in the Private Beta for Confrontation and have always been a sea snipers fan, btw! lol

Sorry for the wall of text, if you don't want to read it all here's the cliffs: Do you guys play RSV1 for XBOX360 still? If not, what other games do you play on the 360 that I could meet up with you guys on? I wasn't a big fan of COD:WAW so if that's the only one you guys are on right now -- I'll probably see you guys on MW2 :D

[SS]Shooter 08-06-2009 02:50 PM

I like RB6V2 better myself, as you could actually RUN. We no longer play Rainbow as a clan, and I don't think anyone plays at all really.

COD4 is where the money is at. COD: W@W is a nice break, but COD4 really has both fun and tactical elements that make it great.

So we're on COD4 now, awaiting MW2.

murderator 08-06-2009 04:12 PM

Sounds good :) -- I'll be seeing you guys on MW2 then. I'm probably not going to purchase COD4 for the XBOX when I buy another one -- I already have a few PS3s copies for me and my son, so I'll most likely wait for MW2.

I'll be buying 3 copies of MW2, though. 1 for the 360 to play with my XBOX friends and 2 for the PS3 so I can play with my son as well.

DatGuy 08-06-2009 04:17 PM

cool, we'll see you there dude

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