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[SS]Rator 10-10-2012 02:23 PM

The Sea SnipersŪ 10th Anniversary / Historical Item 10: Halo Reach Guide?
The Sea SnipersŪ 10th Anniversary
Historical Item 10: Halo Reach Guide?

October 10th and in 2010 we got our first project outside of a game we compete in, Halo Reach. Not that some of us didn't play it and not that it wasn't a good game, it was actually great, and that's coming from someone who NEVER played Halo.

We were initially a little reluctant to take on the project since we were admittedly NOT Halo players and felt that we might not be able to provide readers with good intel on the game. After much discussion we decided that Halo players or not, we would at least be able to provide some great team-based intel that maybe the Halo world hadn't seen. So I grabbed Midnight and we headed off to Seattle to work at the Microsoft Offices.

We weren't able to go to Bungie at that time because of studio construction but still got to work with some of the devs that were working on the game. Here's a link to the write-up about it, our midnight release events and some pics of us working on the project at Microsoft.


Here's a shot of me, [SS]Rator talking to the kid who realized we had written the MW2 guide and proceeded to tell me how that guide helped him win $6k in a tournament lol.

Here's Midnight (far right in green) actually working on the project at Microsoft.

Halo surprised us in it's ability to create teamwork in almost all of the modes we'd played. That was something we thought was alien to the Halo series, but it really does create a great sense of teamwork online. That made it a little easier for us to develop intel for the guide.

This one really took us out of our comfort zone, but we learned a lot and learned we can take just about any game and deconstruct it enough to give players valuable info. So how'd y'all like gettin' Halo tips from complete NOOBS?! Ha! Betcha didn't know that! We hope we were able to write enough good info for you all. We worked with Phil Marcus on this job as we had for previous guides here and there, and it was a great mix of tactical and statistical intel that went into this guide.

While I didn't illustrate the maps, we did have to mark out all of the things on them all, a lot of work, but I did get called in to illustrate the Halo CEA maps where I basically illustrated all of the Halo Reach maps anyway lol.

And our recruit sig of the day is...

MM DID make it!

DatGuy 10-10-2012 03:18 PM

look at that its my sig.

you forgot to mention that I left after you touched me inappropriately while I was asleep at Snipercon

[SS]Rator 10-10-2012 03:41 PM

DG left after I touched him inappropriately while he was asleep at SniperCon.

[SS]Midnight 10-10-2012 06:26 PM

This game was just so freaking fun while working on it that I (most of us really) ended up buying it and had a lot of fun online. The single player is really awesome as well.

Heh. I just remembered this:


Originally Posted by [SS]Midnight (Post 131198)
Looks good. Short and too the point. And you were nice enough to leave out the "Midnight! LET ME IN!" moments. Heh.

For the rest of you that is all about the security of the place. Rator had to go outside to smoke and he would tell me "Midnight give me 5 (or 10) minutes," and I would set the countdown on my phone and keep working, then go open the door for him when my alarm went off. Well on two (or more...) occasions I forgot to set my timer and in turn Rator. I left him outside calling my phone and leaving messages that I would not get till after we left for the day cause our phone did not get any signal in that place. Rator had to sneak back in when other MS workers went in and some of them would be all "I don't know you" and leave him stuck outside.

Good times.

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