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AEJustin1 06-27-2009 09:37 PM

XBOX 360 maxed out?

according to EA........... Yes

Patrick Soderlund, senior VP of EA Games Europe, claims that the company's developers have “maxed out” the Xbox 360.

"I like the Natal. It's an interesting device, so I'm truly impressed by Xbox. It's my personal favourite console,” he told the Official Xbox Magazine. “I think Microsoft is on a roll right now. They're doing really well. If I was Sony, I would have a headache, to be honest."

He then goes on to talk about the PS3’s potential, and whether more can be squeezed out of Xbox 360.

"Sony has a lot of good games this year. If you go to their [E3] booth, there's a very consistent, high quality product line-up and that will help them. I do think that we'll see developers inside the organisation getting to understand the PS3 better and I think that we're getting more power out of PS3 right now... I think that we've maxed out the 360 but we haven't maxed out the PS3."

[RVN] SgtJoeFriday 06-27-2009 11:00 PM

AS much as I hope this to be their true feelings towards the PS3. Spelling errors make it hard to believe it's from a credible source.

Tagger 07-01-2009 06:53 PM

If you are referring to the word "favourite", I think that is one acceptable way to spell the word in some forms of the English language. Is that the spelling error you're referring to? See......Wiki on Favourite

DatGuy 07-01-2009 07:19 PM

those are coming from EA Europe and favourite IS spelled correctly...America is the only country that has dropped the 'u' from it...along with colour. Also in proper english organisation is spelled like that...

what america speaks is usually referred to as "Bastardized English"

Chenzo 07-02-2009 09:05 AM

It's Americanese, thank you.

(And I don't think Canadians can be giving out English lessons.)

[RVN] SgtJoeFriday 07-02-2009 11:43 AM

"America! Fuck YEAH!"

Well thanks for the lesson. At first glance it seemed like it was made up and coming from some hack. But after your explanations, I don't feel Canadians should be giving English lessons either. EH? j/k I get it.

The problem I see with this statement is in MY experience, EA hasn't made a game on the PS3 whose mics worked as well as say SOCOM. Tiger is notorious for connection issues. Then there is Battlefield: Bad Company, don't get me started on that. I hate to sound like I'm promoting the Xbox but I hear EA games run well on them?

SO, with that, they must figure that their (EA's) future is bright on the PS3. Soley because they still have a chance to make a game whose mics work.

AEJustin1 07-02-2009 12:14 PM

Oh XBOX Live is by far the best thing that has ever happened! PSN is just lightyears behind it, and that sucks because I think if PS3 had a setup as good as live it would give it a whole new life. I love both of my systems, but for online stuff LIVE is by far the best to go to.

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