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[SS]Rator 04-30-2014 04:48 PM

Season 28 on the horizon!
We're getting ready to start the next season of SEAL. If you and your team are interested, here are some details so far...

We will be going back to HC S&D, however we will be playing TDM in it.

WHA? The bomb will not be in play, so the offense MUST kill the defense before the round ends or they lose.

Basic restrictions, no rockets or tubes, no thermals or trackers, etc.

Been a while since we've played a non-respawn mode where you just have to kill the other team. Gonna be fun.

If you and your team are interested, post in here with an email for us to contact you or PM me with your info.

We've emailed any active teams that either are currently in SEAL or have been in the recent past. This is your heads up everyone. If you want in, let us know asap!


[GU] xEAGEROGREx 05-22-2014 10:13 AM

Any team going to play this? TDM on SnD?

[SS]Rator 05-22-2014 01:32 PM

We know some teams are short on guys with an xbone, but if enough teams want to play and just in a different mode, let us know.

[SS]Shooter 05-23-2014 02:32 PM

The game mode Rator is describing is similar to SUPPRESSION from Socom I/II, with the exception that the "attacking" team must kill the entire enemy team or they lose.

The emphasis on requiring total elimination (as opposed to Socom's scoring in Supression) forces the attackers to infiltrate into an area and chase down every LAST defender, no matter how entrenched he is. You must fight your way in and eliminate the entire enemy force. It plays very well on COD.

If it had a name, I think it would be called 'total elimination' mode.

[GU] xEAGEROGREx 05-30-2014 10:51 AM

We can field a team and I fell confident that other teams would rally a return and interest in SEAL season 28 if a return to Search n Destroy was made. I realize what SEAL is about and how the seasons change, we have been around long enough to understand. I personally have enjoyed several of the game modes like the Search N Rescue last season and the Battielfield 3 season, along with other iterations SS provides. I do not believe an interest or passion will be present with TOTAL ELIMINATION. In my opinion the league is at its best when playing Hudcore Search N Destroy with one life to live it is intense. The best seasons we have played had 6-8 teams and this was the game mode. I would play in a season of that and I believe other teams would also come and game with that game setting. It will probably be the last season on Ghosts so why not make it a bang up season. I relize we are hungry to game and that fish is good but steak is even better. (lol)

[SS]Rator 05-30-2014 12:38 PM

The mode we were proposing was also non-respawn BTW. We just eliminated the bomb from the mode. Otherwise, it's exactly the same.

But as we said, if enough teams came to us and said they'd play an S&D season, we'd start it up.

Bobibblesackin 10-29-2014 12:49 PM

My guys would definitely be interested in an S&D season! Hope to see you guys out there this year!!

[SS]Rator 10-29-2014 12:53 PM

Cool, sup B. We've got some other interested parties as well. Planning to play AW for a few weeks to rank up, get familiar, etc. then we'll work with everyone and develop a new format. Stay tuned, and if you know any other teams that might be interested and a good fit, send them here.


[SemP]z0dd sP 11-04-2014 12:59 PM

Hey guys! Its been a while. Getting my crew back to form in the new Advanced warfare. I would like to know if Semper Primus can participate in any new season of S.E.A.L. on Advanced warfare.

[SS]Rator 11-04-2014 01:49 PM

Of course! We'll be getting things ready to go in a couple of weeks to give teams some time to rank up, get familiar with maps etc.

Keep an eye on the boards here and we'll keep everyone posted!

IFx Johnson30 11-04-2014 10:54 PM

Hello everyone! I guess it's this time of year again.

[SS]Rator 11-05-2014 12:14 PM

Sup IFXers! We'll be touching base with all interested clans in a couple of weeks about the next season, stay tuned!

IFx Johnson30 11-05-2014 07:14 PM

Sounds good and looking forward to it!

[SS]Rator 11-13-2014 04:14 PM

Anyone played any classic (non-exo) modes in private hardcore yet? We did it last night and it changes the game significantly. The maps seem different, a bit of a slower pace etc.

Let us know what you all think, and if you have any suggestions about next season's format.

[GU] this is rocco 11-13-2014 06:50 PM

I played one game of core classic the other day and it doesn't even feel like the same game. It was on Riot (the prison map) and I was lost after being so used to jumping on the roofs and what not then going in there and being stuck on the ground. I prefer the exo jumping capabilities because though you may be vulnerable in the air it has the opportunity to reach a point that gives a tactical advantage over your opponents and if successful the reward outweighs the risk.

[SS]Rator 11-13-2014 09:05 PM

its really just another flavor of cod. its interesting. also we can turn off abilites and retain the double jump stuff i think.

[GU] this is rocco 11-14-2014 12:35 AM

thats how I would say to go, I personally take Exo abilities off all of my classes in favor for something more usefull

[SS]Chief 11-14-2014 09:21 AM

For me the exo suit is really just another perk/accessory. Such as Dead Silent, Trophy system, Invisibility etc. It takes up one of your slots (of the 13). Just like the various grenades.

I think the jumping is what makes it a bit crazy sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I pub all the time double jumping left-right-across etc. But if you remove that feature as Rator said. It truly slows the game down.

Perhaps look into a CTF season like we had before without the jumping around?

[SS]Rator 11-14-2014 04:12 PM

I was just asking if anyone had tried it. We're certainly not set on anything yet, but might be hitting some of you guys up for a few test scrims to see how things play.

Thanks for the input!

IFx Johnson30 11-15-2014 12:12 PM

I have not played classic on HC. Classic mode is a totally different game. Classic make a lot more choke points and on HC it could make for extremely campy match play.

[SS]Rator 11-15-2014 02:29 PM

True. The maps seem so much bigger without suits. Its like, shit i gotta hoof it all that way?! How about a knives only Uplink season? lol

[SS]Shooter 11-17-2014 12:51 PM

Without the suits, it's a much more tactical gameplay. You can hold a side, actually work as a team.

With the suits, the enemy can get behind you in less than 5 seconds and it basically becomes a free for all type situation where you are surrounded at all times. And the kids I see playing NEVER touch the ground; they just fly everywhere.

I'm not sure that makes for good gameplay either.

[SS]Rator 11-20-2014 03:57 PM

So after some gameplay, what is everyone thinking for a good season? S&D, S&R, some respawn? Exo abilities? Boost only? Let us know, we'll create the mode and set up some scrims.

Any other teams interested, let us know. Any teams know of any other teams that might be interested, let them know to hit us up here.

Looking forward to some good competition again!

[SSr]ManDropSoup 11-20-2014 09:13 PM

Hey everyone. I think Bow would be interested if it's back to SnD. If you fine fellas would have us back. BTW can I get gz removed and bow back on my usernsme? Than you.

IFx Johnson30 11-20-2014 11:37 PM

I'm thinking yes to Exo boosting - Don't care if Exo abilities are on.


Would be fun to have a respawn season ;)

[SS]Rator 11-21-2014 01:29 PM

Hey BB, email me and I'll take care of that for you, rator@seasnipers.net and of course you're always welcome! As you can see, we're not sure what mode we'll be doing yet. Just getting some input right now.

We were excited about a possible CTF season too IFX, but as you said, it'd have to be respawn. One of the BO's let us play it with no respawn and man, that was fun.

We're taking all input into consideration and will let you guys know what we come up with asap. Then set up some scrims and fire up the next season.

Thanks guys!

[SS]SportoFu 11-30-2014 09:36 PM

Trying to get a scrim for tonight, 1030est.


[SS]Rator 12-01-2014 11:05 AM

Interesting development...

You cannot currently play snd or snr or ctf or several other modes with more than 12 people in private. Any modes youd play in ground war will let you go to 18 players.

Going to see who to talk to about that, but if to not avail, we may be stuck with a 6v6

[SS]SportoFu 12-03-2014 09:10 PM

Bolognese? More like bowlofshit.

This is balls, 6 v 6 S&D wouldn't be bad as far as gameplay, but we'd have to sit a lot of guys every night.

[GU] this is rocco 12-03-2014 09:32 PM

We would probably struggle to field 6 lol so fine by us!

[SS]Rator 12-04-2014 02:13 PM

We were planning on 6-8 man teams anyway, but we'll put this to Sledgehammer and see what's up.

[SS]Rator 12-04-2014 02:15 PM

also we need another team or two to start this, anyone got any prospects?

Bobibblesackin 12-08-2014 11:36 PM

Sorry for my absence guys, had a major surgery this past Wednesday. Ive been struggling to get around, haha. Ill shoot you an email Rator, thats the best way to get ahold of me as of now because sitting in my PC room is barely doable.

As far as mode goes, I know my guys would probably only be interested in SnD with Exo suits on. Abilities are kinda up to everyone. I dont mind them, it would be hard to ban dead silence, right?

Whatever happens, I hope we can get a solid season in if possible, if not, their is always that new Rainbow 6 to look forward to..

[SS]Rator 12-09-2014 02:01 PM

damn hope youre feeling better. Were currently leaning in that direction, hcsnd with exos on. as for abilities i think we can turn them off individually but id have to double check. need a couple more teams to make this happen and will be contacting people this week.

[SS]Rator 12-10-2014 05:44 PM

Ok we count 5 teams so far...

Sea Snipers
Gamers United
Iron Fox
Recoil Gaming

Not sure if VvV has enough, but if any of you teams know of another team that would be available to play for an entire season, let us know. We need to get 6 teams to avoid byes. We can DO 5 teams, but we'd have to schedule in bye weeks.

[SS]Rator 12-15-2014 04:13 PM

Ok add the following teams to the list...

LOW (Lords of War)
SBR (Short Bus Riders)

Sea Snipers
Gamers United
Iron Fox
Recoil Gaming

That makes a nice even 8.

So, for those that can read this, here's the latest...

We tested a HUDcore version of S&D all night last night and it plays very well on most maps. We left everything on, but will probably restrict a few things once we all vote.

We can't currently get more than 12 people in a room if it's set to S&D. We're trying to get hold of the powers that be to remedy this, but we planned on 6-8 player teams anyway.

Thinking of starting it up after the holidays, so first or second week of Jan if everyone's ok with that. Also probably will not include the new DLC, but again, we can vote on that.

Any ideas, issues, concerns, questions, fire away!

[SS]Rator 01-05-2015 03:56 PM

Ok messages have been sent out to all teams to provide rosters. If you didn't get a message either via PM, Xbox Live, or email, let me know.

[GU] this is rocco 01-05-2015 07:19 PM

Sent you a PM Rator

[SemP]z0dd sP 01-06-2015 06:27 PM

awesome I should have you my roster this week for sure. Any word on restrictions yet?I'm guessing grenade launchers but not sure what else when are we taking a Vote?

[SS]Rator 01-07-2015 04:02 PM

So far we're planning on restricting killstreaks, (probably some cheaty weapons/perks/abilities too) but we're going to be taking suggestions from all clans for restrictions. If you've got some ideas, post em up!

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