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[SS]Rator 10-03-2005 11:15 AM

Sea Snipers S3 maps & Official Socom 3 Guide!!!
Socom 3: Strategy Guide
Multiplayer Authors & Illustrators

Download PDF Guide
At the beginning of June 2005, the Sea Snipers were contracted by Piggyback Interactive to write the multiplayer section of the Socom 3 Official Guide. The multiplayer chapters represent 70 pages of the 200 page guide , which will be available in all stores on 10/11 with the game.

In addition to writing the multiplayer section of the guide, Generator Studios was contracted to illustrate all of the single and multiplayer maps! Yep, ALL the maps are DONE and they look even better than the Socom 1 & 2 maps.

This is the first time that we know of that a clan has ever been contracted to collaborate on an official guide in the history of gaming. My men and I worked night and day to compile the most complete, accurate and detailed multiplayer information on Socom 3 for you all. In addition, all of the maps are just as you like 'em. Illustrated in the same style as the original Socom 1 and 2 maps, they came out great!

Since all of the [SS] were included in the Beta cycle thanks to E-Seals, Piggyback and the [SS] were able to research, test, and compile tons of information. Everything from "Getting Started" which includes details on all of the games' options as well as screenshots and descriptions of everything you can do in the game, to "Tips & Tricks" that span beginner player tips to advanced veteran tricks and even weapon stats and charts, and "Strategies" which run the gamut from noob tips to advanced strategies for both terrorists and seals that can help you and your clan get more tactical.

We (the [SS]) have even divulged some of our inner workings and structure including how to create your own clan, recruit new members, run practices, matches and how to reward your members.

And yes, ALL the maps are in the guide. I know it used to take us 3 weeks to a month to complete just one map, but with all of the great information we were provided with from Piggyback, we were able to get them all done before the release of Socom 3. And not just the multiplayer maps, but the single player maps as well. All of the icons and details are in place, and Piggyback will be releasing downloadable PDF versions of some of the maps before the game even comes out.

We have put A LOT of work into this puppy. Thanks to all of the Sea Snipers that gave me some awesome information, we couldn't have done it without you. I must have received over 100 pages of information, strategies, tips, tricks and charts from these guys that I compiled and wrote the multiplayer section from (the final multiplayer section is 70 pages of a total of 200 in the finished guide). I did all of the maps in hi-res for Piggyback and they look fantastic! Finally you guys don't have to wait until Socom 4 comes out for me to finish the last maps for Socom 3! LOL!

I have to give a big THANK YOU to all my new friends at Piggyback for giving the Sea Snipers and Generator Studios the chance of a lifetime to work on the Socom 3 project. We've been wanting to do this since Socom 1!

So, now you all know why we've been so "busy" and unable to accept a lot of matches and scrimmages in the past month! We had a very tight deadline, but the write-up and the maps were scrutinized by all the parties involved and came back with great reviews. All in all, everyone is very happy with the final product. Thanks again to everyone that was involved with this project, it was an AWESOME opportunity for all of us to be a part of.

Don't forget to check the credits in the back of the guide to see your friendly Sea Snipers names in lights!


[SS]Rator & The Sea SnipersŪ

S10Draven 10-03-2005 11:20 AM

bigclap way to go boss for makin it happen. you have done so much for the socom series and players, its good to see you get some recongnition for all the hard work. dancingban

YouMayLose 10-03-2005 11:36 AM

Wow very nice and cudos to all of [SS] probably the best clan on Socom as far as nice people to play with and hard work you all do to help us all enjoy Socom. I'm very glad to be friends with a few of you and hope to be able to play with all of you on Socom 3 just send a friend invite to YouMayLose and i'll be around to get owned by you all......Oh and I <3 Juggy lol

When do we get to see these new maps ? do we have to wait till Socom 3's release or do we have to buy the guide ? ....I never buy the guide but I'll buy this 1 just for you guys.

[SS]Cuervo 10-03-2005 11:51 AM

I believe Rator will have them on the SS site soon after the Guide Release in the normal Map Section area

[SS]Rator 10-03-2005 11:56 AM

THanks guys, No Cuervo, we cannot put the maps on the site, we can show thumbs and maybe a bigger pic as a sample, but you have to buy the guide to see the full versions of the maps, sorry!

[SS]Cuervo 10-03-2005 12:06 PM


hey look all.. Rich Has his Name on Piggyback site!!!


he can now add "Editor" as a title also..

and his artwork is "EXCLUSIVE"!!

DevilzKandi 10-03-2005 12:23 PM

That's pretty cool. Congrats.

Lost_Angel 10-03-2005 12:39 PM

This is awsome guys, cant belive you guys landed this big of a dealbigclap its crazy, who knows where it will lead next, im happy for you guys, finally all your hard work and dedication is paying off.

oh man now when i got to the strip club, and tell the gal i know who SS is, i can wip out the book hahahahadancingban

congrats guys, you all deserve this

WEEZER 10-03-2005 01:03 PM

That's awesome Rator, good job on your hard work.

patient957 10-03-2005 01:21 PM

*tips hat in SS direction* Way to go guys...that is some seriously awesome stuff and quite the thing to have on a resume. Now, if you could only make a 957 smiley with the guy throwing his controller against a brick wall, that would be great. LMAO! bigclap

Weapon 10-03-2005 03:52 PM

Very good stuff

UMMaDCoW 10-03-2005 04:42 PM

Awesome stuff guys. I can't wait for Part 4, MOL.

ID_MSG 10-03-2005 05:37 PM

very nice guys congrats to ss

BYRD915 10-03-2005 05:43 PM

bigclap Way to go man. That is so cool dancingban

[SS]Rator 10-03-2005 05:45 PM

Hey thanks for everyones props, we really appreciate it. We will be posting up links to the PDFs probably tomm. Keep an eye out.

ID_MSG 10-03-2005 05:54 PM

i like your guys ribbons! very cool

[SS]Rator 10-03-2005 05:57 PM

THanks bud, they represent all the awards, tournaments, and other things we've won or participated in. Thanks for the compliments!

ID_MSG 10-03-2005 06:44 PM

yeah its a cool idea i like it, see you all on socom 3

doubleduce 10-03-2005 07:39 PM

So...... are you done with the tactical whiteboard? or how about changing them for download?

Mech16xx 10-03-2005 09:59 PM

Very well done Rator and SS. i wasnt gonna buy the guide but now that I heard that SS was involved im gonna hafta get it and check out all the hard work you guys put into it. Again Very well done.

[SS]Rator 10-03-2005 10:11 PM

no, the TWB is now free and you can use any images that you want for it. It has a custom map feature that you can use to post any image you have hosted anywhere online. then you can draw on it. Currently it has a bug where it wont play back on custom maps and wont save them, but chenzo and i are working on it.

[SS]Snakebite 10-04-2005 02:11 AM

Congrats, Rator, [SS] and Generator Studios!!! Lots of hard work has gone into this. Wish I could've been more helpful. Socom 3, here we come baby......... HOOYAH!!

Devil-Fish 10-04-2005 09:23 AM

All members of [SS],

Everyone from the [PAs] clan would like to congratulate all of you for all the hard work you guys have put into this. It will be a lot of help to many people that play the game and I believe we all appreciate it. The [PAs] clan could only aspire to have as much dedication and respect for others that the [SS] clan has.
We look forward to playing with you guys in S3! Enjoy the spotlight guys! Congratz again!bigclap


Quagmire 10-04-2005 12:17 PM

Nice job guys! congrats on the oppurtunity to contribute to the game officially!

[SS]Rator 10-04-2005 12:20 PM

Thanks again everyone! The support we've been getting from everyone is just awesome.

We're hoping to get these PDFs of some pages either today or tomm for you all to download. I will keep you all posted when they are released. Thanks again! BTW, here are a couple of links to purchase the official guide...


Quagmire 10-04-2005 12:23 PM

so did they give you guys credit in the book as SeaSnipers/Online game names? or real names?

[SS]Rator 10-04-2005 12:25 PM

We have in-game names and real names on the credits page. We also have links to seasnipers.net and generatorstudios.com and I personally am listed as an author and illustrator, its really cool to see.

Quagmire 10-04-2005 12:26 PM

sick! bighands

<Adams> 10-04-2005 01:12 PM

I would like to thank [SS]
Great job boys and special thanks to Rator. The [USP] United States Presidents are extremely greatful for all your hard work. The maps for socom, socom 2 and soon socom 3 have helped us so much with tactics and strategies. Keep up the good work.

[SS]Rator 10-04-2005 04:32 PM


The downloads are now available! Enjoy!

[SS]Fight[r] 10-04-2005 05:32 PM

Great job, men.

[SS]Hellboy-R 10-04-2005 06:19 PM

I as a member of the [SS] would like to also say thanks to all of you for the props.

[SS]Snakebite 10-05-2005 01:32 AM

Wow, that's the first time I've laid eyes on any of it. The downloads are frickin awesome!!

<WH>sMoKeOuT 10-05-2005 10:59 AM

Congrats Sea Snipers.Its a huge reward to see all your hard work pay off.Rator your truely amazing and have so much success with the clan you created.You got a great bunch of guys that all work together no matter what there doing.Again congrats to all of [SS] from all of the Wolfhounds.

[SS]Rator 10-05-2005 11:03 AM

Damn, thanks bud! I appreciate all the kind words from everyone. Hope you guys like everything we've done. My Gamestop said sometime today they will get the guide in. BTW, none of the SS have even seen the maps either, the downloads are the first they've seen them. So, hope you all like em!

Thanks again!

<WH>sMoKeOuT 10-05-2005 11:13 AM

Np Rator..Your quite the salesman you know.I'm going to check if this strategy guide is in stores today and I have never bought one for any game before.

Anyway can't wait to see you guys online soon.You know how to find us.

djlotus 10-05-2005 05:09 PM

Big ups
many congratulations to the [SS] Sea Snipers crew. We all appreciate your hard work and dedication. I cant wait for the release of the game, so I can put my brand new stratagy guide to work.

[SS]Rator 10-05-2005 05:11 PM

Thanks again everyone! This is really freaking cool, look at this!


djlotus 10-05-2005 06:49 PM

So is it officially ILLEGAL to post the maps on my ladder site?

[SS]Rator 10-05-2005 11:13 PM

I will post the user agreement from the guide tomm morning or as soon as i get it from Piggyback. That's about all i can tell you.

Once you read that, you must be bound by that agreement if you purchase the guide. I can't tell you exactly what the agreement is, but i will post it asap.

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