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DatGuy 09-15-2014 07:04 PM

Destiny - opinions
Hey losers,

so now that its been out a week, I assume some of you have played it.

What do you think?

for me,

I give it a 5 or 6 out of 10.

The PVP is solid, but the main game is very drab, very boring. The story is boring and delivered terribly.

on top of all that, every mission is a hoard mode. Then make you ghost look at something, then hoard mode to protect the ghost.

[SS]Showstoper 09-16-2014 12:30 AM

I like the fact that you can change your weapons anytime during in-game.

I do like the Tower area also. You have plenty of vendors to spend your points/money accumulated during the game.

You're right about the horde mode in every scenario you go to though. They're not too hard to beat.

I haven't played Crucible/MP yet. I'm staying away from that for now.

The bounties offered are something to strive for in my opinion.

I give it a two thumbs up. But I've always been a fan of anything Bungie makes :)

[SS]Chief 09-16-2014 08:09 AM

I’m with Show. I do like that I can run around and purchase things vice having to find them dropped somewhere.
The missions are sssssuuuuppppeeerrrrr boring. I think they made that part for 10 year olds. I do wish there was something more to do. I’ve yet to ‘willingly’ co-op. I’ve had a few missions where someone just drops in on what I’m doing and well....kills the bad guy. O’well, it wasn’t that exciting anyway. So I’m with you Dat I’d give it 6 out of 10....it’s just a bit above average.

DatGuy 09-16-2014 10:07 AM

Show, you should try Crucible, its the only redeeming part of the game, and its pretty balanced so that your level doesnt mean much.

[SS]Showstoper 09-16-2014 11:23 AM

I probably will give it a try today DG on Crucible. I'm off work today, so I've gots plenty of time :)

Rush 09-16-2014 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by DatGuy (Post 172652)
Hey losers,

so now that its been out a week, I assume some of you have played it.

What do you think?

for me,

I give it a 5 or 6 out of 10.

The PVP is solid, but the main game is very drab, very boring. The story is boring and delivered terribly.

on top of all that, every mission is a hoard mode. Then make you ghost look at something, then hoard mode to protect the ghost.

Boring? The first raid was just released today and no one has been able to make it past the first boss for 7 hours. Have to tried any of the previous missions/raids on level 24-28 difficulty? They are anything BUT boring lol.

[SS]Shooter 09-16-2014 02:53 PM

I'm level 3. Not much has happened.

If anyone wants to start a new character and play with me at my low level, lemme know.

S10Draven 09-16-2014 08:13 PM

I picked it up this weekend..wife finally caved and let me get a xbox one...only played a few hrs so far but seems cool....it kinda reminds me of defiance.

[SS]Chief 09-16-2014 08:33 PM

I’m at 2 Shooter, I’ll kick it around with ya.

[SS]Shooter 09-17-2014 02:31 PM

Showstopper and I got BUSY last night... Now I am at level 9.

Also, Chenzo popped in to help me for one mission; then popped out when it was done.

[SS]Showstoper 09-17-2014 02:41 PM

Glad I could be of some assist. I'll help anyone on this game. Time for me to disappear for another half a year.

[SS]Shooter 09-17-2014 04:42 PM

You have about 2 months. Then it's back to COD...

[SS]Skinman 09-17-2014 05:15 PM

The only thing that bugs me is that you HAVE to do the bounties if you want to get better gear past the 20's. It takes forever to get to them. I'm not big on PvP but you need that too for the good gear. I'm not crazy about that part. Farming is also super easy.

I finished the story part and it was OK. I'm a storyline guy so it kind of sucked that when you reach the final mission on a planet, you think you're going to do something good to save it, then it says "oh wait, we have to go to to moon (or wherever) to do this part first". Then when you get to the next planet it's the same story. They stop you just before you think you're saving the world. I guess they need some way to get people to buy the DLC's.

[SS]Showstoper 09-17-2014 05:32 PM

I bought the two expansion packs they have out already. Don't really know exactly what they do for you, but I'll googled it and find out.

Shooter, I'm waiting till the last minute before I buy COD: AW, not really all hyped up about it. Halo5 will be better :)

DatGuy 09-26-2014 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rush (Post 172664)
Boring? The first raid was just released today and no one has been able to make it past the first boss for 7 hours. Have to tried any of the previous missions/raids on level 24-28 difficulty? They are anything BUT boring lol.

quit the game before it came out, there is nothing redeeming here to keep me playing, its a technically sound boredom creator.

I am genuinely curious though as to why people continue to play it. Is it because there are very few games for the systems and this is the first big hyped one?

all I know is I have more fun throwing balled up paper into a wastebasket than I do playing Destiny.

also, fighting a boss for 7 hours sounds fucking terrible.

DatGuy 09-26-2014 12:18 PM


[SS]Shooter 09-26-2014 02:09 PM

Destiny is boring playing alone, BUT it's SUPER FUN playing with friends.

My and Acid, Showstopper, Skinman have been having a good time as we all have guys of roughly the same level. I see a few other guys on as well from time to time. [BALZ]Hellboy has been playing a lot with me, as he's same level as well. We are all around level 20-22..

You can adjust most of the missions to your level, or slightly above your level, which makes it a challenge. Some can even be set way up there, to level 28, which would be impossible for our characters...

The VvV guys are on too, but they are WAY up in level, so we can't link up with them until we get up to level 25+, which will take some time.

I did like the story, and the whole thing is an interesting concept. It's similar to Borderlands, which I found fun as well. While not as fun as COD, Destiny is a similar kind of game and a chance to kill some different kinds of things.

[SS]Shooter 09-26-2014 02:38 PM

Forbes Destiny Hack Article
Interesting article in Forbes of all places...


Forbes allows 'Fair Use' quoting I hope...

Whac-A-Mole Syndrome: 'Destiny' Players Found A New 'Loot Cave'

You can’t keep a bad idea down: just one day after Bungie nerfed Destiny’s famous “Loot Cave,” where players could get reams of high-level items just by sitting on a rock and firing into a black hole for hours on end, one gamer appears to have already found what he’s calling “Loot Cave 2.0.” Sure enough, in the rocket yard on Earth, there’s a similar location running off the same 6-second timer as the loot cave of yore (yesterday). Check the video below for the location:

Call it “whac-a-mole syndrome.” I first encountered the concept when reading about improving airplane boarding: basically, whenever the airline smoothed the kinks out of one portion of the boarding process, another problem would just pop up somewhere else — the law of unintended consequences. So it’s not that you have a particular problem that can be solved, it’s that the system has a basic inefficiency or quirk capable of manifesting in any number of different ways. In this case, that quirk is the unflappable desire of MMO gamers to advance in the quickest way possible.

The reason the whac-a-mole syndrome applies here is that nerfing the loot cave addressed a symptom, not a problem. Player progression between levels 20-26 was boring, repetitive and often frustrating, so large numbers of players sought to circumvent Bungie’s intended pathways to find a more consistent way to level up, one that was less frustrating if equally repetitive. Bungie locked up it’s best game design at level 26, giving players further incentive to power through those other uneventful levels as quickly as possible. So there’s no real way for the developer to overcome the farming problem, except by making the actual gameplay as rewarding and consistent as the motionless grind of the loot cave. Hint: this would be a good idea.

I remember a talk from Blizzard’s Rob Pardo a couple of GDCs ago addressing ideas of grinding and game design. The most important thing, he said, was to remember that gamers are very good at breaking your game. The MMO mentality is more geared toward progression than fun, so if there’s an easy, but boring way to progress, people will do it. So you constantly need to pay attention to your game to make sure that the path of least resistance is also the most fun.

Destiny is a very young game, so it would do well to take these lessons to heart. If you need to make progression a little easier in some places to make the game more fun, you should remember the point of games in the first place.

[SS]Chief 09-26-2014 03:36 PM

I've been playing....but sadly, no one is online when I am...

[SS]Shooter 09-27-2014 03:12 PM

Chief, we've been hopping on around 6 to 8 PM Central, with guys playing until 1 to 3 AM Central.... I'll be on tonight.

And Grunt, is that your son playing? I assumed so but maybe you just don't like me anymore.

[SS]Skinman 09-27-2014 04:01 PM

I'm on practically all day long. Weekdays around 1pm EST. Weekends I don't sleep so... And there since Bungie fixed the "loot cave" the cave in the video was found about 5 mins. after they fixed the first one. They won't stop people from taking shortcuts.

[SS]Midnight 10-06-2014 10:34 AM

This game looks fun. I may get the $$$ to buy it soon.

[SS]Shooter 10-06-2014 12:23 PM

So funny and so true.

[SS]Rator 10-06-2014 01:07 PM

ok think we need a whole thread of those vids, awesome!

[SS]Chief 10-06-2014 09:36 PM

agree...that was awesome!

[SS]Showstoper 10-06-2014 09:48 PM

That was hilarious. As much as I love this game, it is very repetitive.

[SS]Shooter 10-07-2014 03:33 PM

If you like playing Destiny, DO NOT go on a raid. They are obnoxious and irritating in every way possible.

[SS]Midnight 10-09-2014 06:06 PM

I got this now. Level 1 noob incoming!!

[SS]Midnight 10-16-2014 07:21 PM

Good read/walk throug on the Vault of Glass: http://kotaku.com/the-vault-of-glass...ium=Socialflow

DatGuy 10-16-2014 07:29 PM

I wish I could try it, but there is no fucking way I am farming my way up from 20 when its all chance on whether or not you get a weapon that has light on it.

[SS]Shooter 10-20-2014 03:40 PM

DG, you just need to play. Not really farm. And then you can buy stuff from the vendors with whatever light you need or whatever guns you want.

I didn't do anything special, or get any lucky drops or anything, just played with the guys when they were on. Skinman was a few levels higher than me and helped me with some strikes. Eventually, my guy was a level 28 and had some decent stuff.

DatGuy 10-20-2014 04:14 PM

yeah I hear ya, but the thing is, there is nothing interesting to play...The game is bland and very boring with good shooting mechanics. Shit, I was bored playing the content the first time, I couldn't even imagine going back and playing the same boring stuff again and again.

Even the MP(crucible) which was fun at first got Stale REALLY fast. If I had this game on disc, I probably would have sold it already.

[SS]Shooter 10-29-2014 12:54 PM

Guys, some people have been getting the boot during strikes...


Go to Xbox dashboard.
Go to system settings
Go to network
Go to advanced settings
Go to alternate MAC address

[SS]Skinman 10-30-2014 09:03 AM

Interview with Bungie
Bungie has announced the new DLC and this website has had an interview with Bungie's president. It's too long to post here so here's the link:


DatGuy 10-31-2014 05:01 PM

I'm wondering...

how do you guys feel as XBOX owners having to pay the same price for the DLC but getting less content?

[SS]Shooter 11-03-2014 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by DatGuy (Post 173054)
I'm wondering...

how do you guys feel as XBOX owners having to pay the same price for the DLC but getting less content?

I could ask your girlfriend a similar question, as I heard she's now getting less content.

[SS]Midnight 11-04-2014 02:23 AM

[SS]Skinman 11-05-2014 03:33 PM

Extra raid on PS4
Thought you would like to see the extra raid. The broadcast crashed near the end and killed me so I had to do 2 parts, Enjoy!

Watch live video from SS_Skinman on Twitch

Watch live video from SS_Skinman on Twitch

[SS]Midnight 12-18-2014 07:26 PM

This game was really fun for me for the most part. The DLC however killed it for me. I just don't play now. My plan is to wait for all DLC and THEN play. The review bellow outlines all my reasons. It's like they are in my soul speaking. Key points are:
  • Lack of content for the price.
  • Wanting to sell ....forcing me to re-buy my cool gear and re-level after already doing it once.
  • Making the gear I worked REALLY hard over a LONG period of time to earn in the first raid obsolete.
  • grinding....Grinding.....GRINDing......GRINDING: on a whole knew level of boredom.

Much more info on the DLC here.

DatGuy 12-19-2014 09:43 PM

I really wish I could have tried the first raid, I heard it was good.

But I value my time too much to grind for hours in that game just to be able to get into the raid.

I had high hopes for destiny, but for me, it failed.

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