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DatGuy 02-25-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by StubbyStic (Post 122331)
I have the guide...but it has things like uncompleted titles, like you took screenshots of the beta or something. The tips were pretty good though.

Bytheway, what's Rator's top K-D in COD:MW2?


sorry Rator I had to

[SS]Rator 02-25-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by StubbyStic (Post 122331)
Bytheway, what's Rator's top K-D in COD:MW2?


Originally Posted by DatGuy (Post 122392)

sorry Rator I had to

Had to what, fail at reading?

Rush 02-25-2010 06:27 PM

K/D is only a good barometer to go by if two identical people play the same game mode.

I think a 1.5 K/D is good and 1.75 excellent for anyone who plays Hardcore S&D or even Hardcore Teamdeath Match.

I think 2.0 K/D is good for those who play Groundwar, Domination, or Regular Death Match.

I wish they would figure in Average kills per game, to see who the true campers are.
Overall kills/Overall Game Time=X

[SS]Rator 02-25-2010 06:39 PM

its just a stat. personally, i play differently depending on what i want. do i want most kills? do i want most wins? am i just ranking up guns? i do something different evertime i play so my K/D is probably garbage.

My MATCH k/d is about even, im a little over 1. Does that mean I am just an average player? Don't count on it...I'll do the shit jobs in matches, have to lead most times, roster, AND play too. I've played plently of matches where i just sat and watched a point for the team. Never killed anyone, never died lol. Your FRIENDS are the best meter to gauge your play. THEY know how you play in matches, they know what you can do, have done and can expect you to do. No stat can give you that information.

Sabotage 02-26-2010 03:09 PM

I play a lot of free for all on PC and my k/d has to be in the 3.0s because of it but if I were to play like ground war or something it would be around 1.0 or 1.5. I agree it does depend on the mode because of the different styles of play, I never really pay attention to k/d, as long as I'm positive I'm happy.

Zucaro 02-26-2010 03:33 PM

I think Rush summed it up pretty well. It would be nice to see a more detail in the stat pages to really view a players skill in each mode. I was hoping that you would've been able to compare accolades. Some of my friends are great players at objectives but looking at their regular stats (k/d) you'd never know it. Kills are not on the priority list for them but they can grab a point or a flag like nobodies business.

Oh, and thanks for the activation (SS), I've been reading the forums since the socom days and figured it was about time I join in. I can finally ask questions and get some help with my gaming.

[SS]Rator 02-26-2010 03:46 PM

Welcome to the boards!

BW ChupaThing11 06-20-2010 01:29 AM

Hello And this is Complete SICK! lol I have an issue of the MW2 Strategy guide and saw you were the ones who did the multiplayer strats I was likre that is so sweet. Anyways i hope you guys dont mind my activity on the forums here one of these days hopefully we can share some ideas with each other. Thanks guys take it easy Chupa Out.

[SS]Wally 06-20-2010 02:03 AM

This is what it's all about Chupa, helping the online community.

We love this stuff as much as everyone else.

Dude, I change my kids diapers with night-vision goggles on... your in the right place

Have a good time here.

BW ChupaThing11 06-20-2010 03:51 AM

hahahaha Thats hilarious i own a pair of NVG's Never thought about using them to change my daughters diaper lol. My wife is going to die watching that one.

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