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[SS]Rator 07-20-2011 10:15 PM

read up

DatGuy 07-21-2011 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by [SS]Rator (Post 144189)
read up

he has had that domain since COD4 apparently.

fuck activision...seriously...WTF just go away with this lawsuit shit...

Their reputation is tarnished enough...this just makes them seem like babies.

[SS]Rator 07-21-2011 12:06 PM

Just cause you hate activision doesn't mean they're being babies. You wouldn't want someone buying an url to your company and redirecting it to your competitor. cmon now dg lol.

S10Draven 07-21-2011 07:42 PM

if they tried to make him take the site down cuz it was a fan site but not authorized then yeah they are being babies about it. they may not want someone having that url and redirecting it but im not sure they can do anything about it unless stuff has changed. i seen a story something like this a few yrs back about some guy buying a domain name for some big company before them and they couldnt do shit about it except pay him to buy it from him.

[SS]Midnight 07-22-2011 04:45 PM

A look at the MW3 Hardened edition literally still on the factory conveyer. (photo courtsey of 402 twitter)

[SS]Wally 07-23-2011 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by S10Draven (Post 144242)
if they tried to make him take the site down cuz it was a fan site but not authorized then yeah they are being babies about it. they may not want someone having that url and redirecting it but im not sure they can do anything about it unless stuff has changed. i seen a story something like this a few yrs back about some guy buying a domain name for some big company before them and they couldnt do shit about it except pay him to buy it from him.

Kind of like the guy that copyrighted 21st Century Fox, these are gold diggers and I am not a fan of it, but I feel like there is nothing you can do about it except buy it from him.

There is no slander from what I saw, he is not hurting either game by putting up a vid of Lampoons whatever and adding voices. Slander is a direct intentional way of talking bad about someone trying to hurt their business. A redirect is not slander and there is a loop hole in that as you do have freedom of speech. Slander is no joke as I myself have dealt with it recently as well. I know slander when I see it.

[SS]Grifter 07-23-2011 02:08 PM

Well, the guy that bought that site to redirect, is actually guilty of breaking the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. This was clearly done with intent, and if he tries to fight it, no court would rule in his favor and Infinityward/Activision would just win the domain name. If it ever got that far.


The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, passed in November of 1999, made it easier for individuals and companies to take over domain names that are confusingly similar to their names or trademarks. But because trademark infringement cases were long, drawn out, and prohibitively expensive, few cases ever made it all the way to trial. As a result, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) decided to streamline the process by creating the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). In theory, the UDRP was a big improvement, since it made domain name disputes faster and cheaper, and also created a single three-prong rule for all domain name trademark disputes. In a UDRP case, the party seeking control of the domain need only prove three things:

The trademark owner owns the trademark,

The party that registered the domain name has no legitimate right or interest in the name, and

The domain name was registered and used in bad faith.

While the three prong rule is succinct on paper, in practice, it is far from straightforward. In particular, there is no clear definition of “no legitimate interest” nor “bad faith.” Blatant cybersquatting or typosquatting is clearly illegal under the three part test; such as buying “www.Gooogle.com” and sending Google an email saying that you’re going to put up porn on the site if they don’t buy it from you for $10,000,000. But for less clear cases, such as whether holding “www.Googles.eu” is a violation of Google’s trademark, the UDRP three-prong test provides little guidance.

It’s also important to keep in mind that just because a trademark isn’t formally registered doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Trademarks can arise both through registration and through use. Trademarks that arise through use can equally be enforced in the US and in most countries (though not China) against people trying to cash in by using a confusingly similar name.

In the end, they'll probably threaten him, he'll go to a lawyer and his lawyer will tell him how much it would cost, what he could lose and that'll be that. He probably wouldn't get any money from them. He's just lose ownership of the name and site.

S10Draven 07-23-2011 03:33 PM

if it was a fan site before then it wasnt intentional. like i said before if its true and activision made him take it down...then fuck them. they are money grubbing dipshits. not sure why they would get pissed at free publicity and be dicks and get a ton of negative publicity.

[SS]Wally 07-23-2011 07:10 PM

I agree Grifter

Bassani 08-03-2011 03:18 PM

Whoever attends the XP event gets a free version of MW3...


Further Proof...

[SS]Midnight 08-03-2011 04:09 PM

Well. Good for them. That's a great deal for $150 (that is the ticket price for the event.)

...well maybe not "great" but it is nifty.


Activision has declassified more information regarding the coolest event centered around Call of Duty. The biggest news released about the event is regarding the $1 Million tournament sponsored by Xbox 360. The tournament will be a 32-slot single elimination tournament for which people are currently qualifying on Call of Duty: Black Ops. The assumption by most people was that during the tournament they would also be gaming on Black Ops. This is not the case. The lucky participants will be playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. If you’d like to try and play in the tournament, four slots will be filled on site at the event.

Those who don’t get to participate in the tournament will still get a chance to play some multiplayer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The multiplayer reveal event will be at Call of Duty XP and all attendees will be able to get hands-on time with the game. Players can compete for prizes in the numerous multiplayer challenges featuring Modern Warfare 3 as well as other Call of Duty titles.

One pretty exciting piece of new information released is that attendees will receive the Hardened edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Now, this won’t happen at the event but rather, attendees will receive a redemption code for a free copy of the Hardened edition when it releases on November 8, 2011. Not only will people get this code but Call of Duty XP is also when the Hardened edition details will be revealed.

Attendees will get a sneak peek of the new programming under development exclusively for Call of Duty Elite members. First up will be a collaboration with the production company led by Will Arnett and Jason Bateman, dumbdumb, in partnership with Ben Silverman’s Electus Studio. Will Arnett is also scheduled to attend the event to share a preview of the all-new content series in production and to check out the game himself. In addition to this, the creators of “Find Makarov” have come out with a new live-action short inspired by Modern Warfare which fans will get a preview of while at the event.

Ever wanted to do something in the real world that was like being in a Call of Duty game? You can at the event! There will be a life-size replica of the map Scrapyard from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on which players can duke it out with paintball guns. Fans can also do a speed run of The Pit training sequence in real life. Like using the zipline from Kowloon in Call of Duty: Black Ops? There will be a military zipline on the compound that attendees will be able to use.

In addition to all of this, fans can eat at Burgertown, the iconic restaurant from Modern Warfare 2, suit up for some one-on-one battle in Juggernaut Sumo, as well as check out the comprehensive Call of Duty armory and museum, featuring concept art and unique memorabilia from the entire franchise.

This event seems like every Call of Duty fans dream. If you haven’t purchased your ticket yet, there are still some available. Head on over to the website and check it out. Call of Duty XP will take place in Los Angeles on September 2-3. Ticket prices are $150 for the entire event and 100% of the proceeds are donated to the Call of Duty Endowment.


Bassani 08-09-2011 07:45 PM

Newest Spec Ops Survival trailer...

[SS]Chief 08-10-2011 08:52 AM

WHAT!!! Attack Dog's WITH explosives? Yikes.....and I thought the normal dogs were bad enough....

[SS]Snakebite 08-10-2011 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by [SS]Chief (Post 144928)
WHAT!!! Attack Dog's WITH explosives? Yikes.....and I thought the normal dogs were bad enough....

lol, that's so wrong, blowing up poochie like that

[SS]Midnight 08-10-2011 10:13 AM

Airdropped Juggys. Yay. It will definitely be challenging.

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