View Full Version : Madden Next-Gen

04-28-2005, 03:49 PM

Electronic Arts publicly busted out the first footage of what Xbox 2, PS3 and Revolution will be capable of on Saturday, showing a sixty second commercial of the next-gen instalment in the Madden NFL Football series.
The event was slightly undermined, however, by revelations last week that the footage was not taken from true next-gen gameplay. Rather, it seems that the commercial showed a mere 'artist's impression' of what the upcoming consoles might be able to do.

Indeed, the footage shown in the commercial doesn't seem greatly advanced to the kind of things games have been doing in PS2, Xbox and Cube cinematics for years. We'd have been more impressed if we could have seen real in-game action rendered with these visuals.

There is hope, though. Madden developer Tiburon Studios has stated that it has already exceeded the visuals portrayed in the commercial. Next-gen games are going to look even better than this.