View Full Version : Genetic Savings and Clone & Google's Zeitgeist - Nerd News

12-23-2004, 02:33 PM
I just posted this in my own forums, but I'm a fan of nerding up the SS forums:

I can't freaking believe it, but Genetic Savings and Clone (http://www.savingsandclone.com) will clone your cat or dog for $50,000. No bullshit... hahaha

It's freaking re-pet from that Arnold movie.

And here's Google's Zeitgeist (http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html) - which is a statistic report of all the searches done this year...

The Number 1 most searched for thing? Britney Spears

12-27-2004, 07:10 PM
That is freaking weird. laffyguy