View Full Version : Just thought I would share with everyone

06-14-2004, 02:24 PM

Some of this is patriptic, some funny and some can be, well....... you make the call. I listened to part of the audio from 9-11-01. It sounds like radio traffic from the Communications Center in NYC. While I am aware I will no doubt catch some flack from peeps (including some [SS]) I was intrigued by the audio and would incourage for sake of hearing what happened.............. you listen. But if you do not want to, then by all means do not. I am just sharing a link to US (and World) History..................

Look for this title (towards the bottomof the page)
Emergency Radio Traffic On 9/11.

The song "Attack on America"................ I have to admit it sent chills all through my entire boddy. I can not hear it and keep my eyes from tearing up. MAN IT IS A POWERFUL SONG!!!!!! Weeper dont hate me for needing a boost once in a while.............

All of the WTC tribute songs. are incredible!!!!