View Full Version : Thank you to all of those involved with the Sea SnipersŪ Ghosts MRE

11-07-2013, 08:24 PM
I want to thank everyone that was involved in the midnight release for Call of Duty: Ghosts and all of whom took part in our book signings around the country.

All of the events went off without a hitch, [SS]Rator excited his fans with excellent giveaways. [SS]Shooter dressed up like the super soldier we all know him to be. [SS]Wally made a ton of friends and we all had a wonderful time with everyone out there.

First of all I want to thank each Gamestop and Best Buy along with their staff and management. Personally, I couldn't have had an event nearly as successful as I did without the help and support of the entire store: Gamestop in Roseville, CA on Fairway Blvd.

Second, I want to thank Candice Capen, @candyslexia on twitter, the community coordinator at Infinity Ward for everything she's done for these launches and getting us some awesome gear which brought major success to each event.

Finally, thank you to Infinity Ward, Activision, and Brady Games for giving the Sea Snipers the opportunity to do our work and letting us show the world.








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