View Full Version : Mic appears to be broken

02-15-2004, 08:14 PM
Well guys it looks like my S1 headset finally took a dump. I was playing to day and it kept not working. Even in lobbies....... I could see "EVERYBODY" else talking but could hear NO-ONE. I then went to the obvious and disconnected my USB splitter and USB extension cable for my headset and keyboard............... same results. I then tried the single player game.............. I gave commands, they were carried out, I could hear the computer.................. but not my crew.......................... anyone else have this issue. Can I check anythings before I cheat Wal-Mart out of a headset. TY

02-15-2004, 10:49 PM
I dont know of anything you can check. But im sure walmart is cheated out of millions because everyone returns everything to walmart.